• isolation

Isolation Valves

“At WPC our core believe is that Severe Service Isolation Valves and shutdown valves are not commodity devices but highly engineered solutions, utilized in safety and production critical applications”™

An Isolation Valve is used in fluid management to stop the flow of process fluids in a pipeline, this is usually for maintenance or safety purposes. They can also be automated to provide flow path selection to change the flow path in a continuous or batch process. A valve is classified as an isolation valve because of its intended function in a process pipe loop, not because of the design of the valve itself. Many different types of valves can be classified as isolation valves but in engineering and selecting the correct valve, consideration should be given to important criteria such as pressure and temperature ratings, shut-off (classification and direction), process conditions, flow capacity (Cv), pipe connections, manual or automated, required service life, industry standards, system performance, and total cost of ownership.


 AEV ValvesDHV Della Foglia KTM Valves  Orion Valves  Kitz Valves    Vanessa Valves